You know, UnshackleTheChains, that is a good question.... One I wish I had asked myself years agol
In fact, unless the GB or WT or "The Society" had told me I was in a spiritual paradise, I never would have described it that way. I would not be sitting on the back porch dreaming "ahhhh, I am in a spiritual paradise"
I was a child in the 50's, going to looooooong meetings three times a week, going door to door, no holidays, long drives (8 hours?) to long conventions (8 days) that lasted from 9 in the morning to 9 at night, sitting in rain, fog, and hot sun (getting hives from it)
Paradise? no Spiritual paradise? Give me a break, just read some of those long winded WT's and "Book Study Books" with literal/ and type/anti-type explanations. Ahhhh!
Friends? nope, not too many. Mostly "March, march march." It was very difficult during high school to keep up with the meeting regime and homework.
Did I have fun? hmmm!? Sometimes, but mostly "Watch what you wear, don't wear too much make up, don't wear your hear like that, don't run into the convention, make sure you....... "
Yep..... it definitely was a straight jacket. Not really a 'spiritual paradise' at all.